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Technical visit
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We are planning one technical visit during Coastal Dynamics 2009. &size(18){''Coastal protections against beach erosion, storm surge and tsunami, and experimental facilities at Port and Airport Research Institute''}; *** Time [#ic1ba5a4] Friday September 11th, 2009 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. *** Course [#i230a5fd] Departs and Returns from Toranomon Pastoral Hotel (conference place) *** Fee [#y4bcc898] About &color(blue){1,000 yen}; for requested sandwich *** Description of the tour [#se279a1e] In Japan, sandy beaches of about 160 ha are lost in a year. The Chigasaki coast in Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the beaches suffering from erosion, and is protected by blocks, stones and sands transported from dams. Participants are invited to see Japanese conventional (blocks and stones) and newly-started (sands from dams) countermeasures against beach erosion at the Chigasaki coast as well as those against storm surge and tsunami at the nearby Fujisawa coast, which is the biggest bathing beach and has three million visitors in summer. In the afternoon, participants will visit Port and Airport Research Institute and experience several unique experiments.