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The technical programme will be run in three parallel sessions at Room A Primrose, Room B Mint and Room C Iris Garden.

Oral presentations: total 25 minutes for each speaker

  • 20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion
  • Please keep your time during the presentation.
  • Three sequential bells will be used for keeping time. First bell at 17 min for reminding, second at 20 min for ending presentation and third at 25 min for ending discussion.

The registration and payment deadline for paper presenters is June 16, 2009, to be included in the CD Proceedings distributed at the conference. One person is allowed to make only one oral presentation.

Speaker's Instruction

  • Each room will have the following: projector, PC, appropriate size screen, and a laser pointer.
  • Microsoft Power Point 2007 is available.
  • To keep session schedule, we DO NOT allow using your laptop for your presentation.
  • Please install your presentation file at least two sessions before.
  • Please check movie(s) and equation(s).
  • Please check virus of your USB memory.
  • Speakers sit in the front row of the session and approach the lectern in turns as the Chair of the session introduces each presentation.