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Call for Papers

  • Papers to be presented in Coastal Dynamics 2009


About Proceedings

All the papers will be archived in an electronic proceeding by World Scientific Co. Ltd. and JSCE. CD proceedings will be published from World Scientific Co. Ltd. and will be distributed to all the delegates at the conference.

Paper presenters must complete registration and payment before June 9, 2009, to be included in the CD proceedings. One person is allowed to make only one oral presentation.

Paper Format

The submission of full paper deadline is May 30, 2009. The full papers can be submitted on the web page from March 3, 2009.

Copyright Transfer Form

A copyright transfer form is required for the publication. Please send the copyright transfer form by FAX to +81-3-5841-8503 (81 is country code) at the same time as submission of the full paper.


Abstracts can be submitted on the web page from October, 4, 2008. Each abstract should be prepared in two page A4 format as in the template file. You are kindly asked to prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word. Only one paper submission is allowed for one presenter. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by International Steering Board members. Accepted abstracts will be published, as they are, in the Book of Abstracts of Coastal Dynamics 2009.

Abstract submission deadline is Dec 22, 2008 has been extended to Jan 23, 2009.

  • Abstract Submission Page (closed)
