At 14:46 local time on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred off the coast of northeast Japan. This earthquake caused a tsunami which attacked Japan as well as a wide range of localities around the Pacific Ocean. This is the site for providing information of the 2011 off-the-Pacific-coast-of-Tohoku earthquake tsunami, operated by the Coastal Engineering Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.


* Future survey plan [#f61d74d6]
- 2011/03/16 &color(red){UPDATE!: -Regarding decisions of the timing to start academic research on the Pacific coast of Northeast Japan (Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate prefectures-)};

- &ref(AdvisoryTsunamiSurveys.pdf);

- 2011/03/16 &color(red){UPDATE!: -Important notice for foreign researchers about field surveys in Tohoku and other area-};

- &ref(110316note1.pdf);

- 2011/03/15 FOR FOREIGN RESEARCHERS, please contact to Dr. Goto for future collaboration on surveys. At this moment, even Japanese researchers gave up many surveys because of the problems of transportation and safety. 
- 2011/03/13 &color(red){UPDATE!: Please do not enter the Tohoku area because rescue activities are still ongoing. We will provide further information on this website};